

Dr Shweta Nahar

Dr Shweta Nahar



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Why do we need a crown after root canal therapy? | Hindi | 1023

Root Canal Treatment is one of the most common treatment protocols. As the tooth becomes n Read more >

Root Canal Treatment is one of the most common treatment protocols. As the tooth becomes non vital after the procedure , its needs to be protected from the excessive forces which might destructed the remaining tooth structures.Crowns are made for the purpose of protecting the tooth after the treatment and maintain its functionality.

About The Speaker
Dr Shweta Nahar (BDS) is working as a Dental Surgeon at the Sukun dental clinic Manjalpur, Baroda.She has been Servicing her patients the best quality of treatment.

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What is the right technique of brushing teeth? | Hindi | 1021

Brushing is the most effective way to prevent the oral healthcare problems. We need to und Read more >

Brushing is the most effective way to prevent the oral healthcare problems. We need to understand the brushing technique inorder to maintain our oral health and hygiene. Various types of dental aids might help to keep our oral cavity healthy.It will also help to eleminate the etiological factors which might lead to infections in future.

About The Speaker
Dr Shweta Nahar (BDS) is working as a Dental Surgeon at the Sukun dental clinic Manjalpur, Baroda.She has been Servicing her patients the best quality of treatment.

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Oral Hygiene
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What is root canal treatment? | Hindi | 1022

Root Canal Treatment is one of the most common treatments in dentistry. The infected livin Read more >

Root Canal Treatment is one of the most common treatments in dentistry. The infected living tissue ie:the pulp is removed and replaced with a biocompatible dental material. The pain is significantly relieved after the procedure and the procedure may be done in a single seating or multiple depending upon the conditons. Your dentist can guide you the best through the procedure.

About The Speaker
Dr Shweta Nahar (BDS) is working as a Dental Surgeon at the Sukun dental clinic Manjalpur, Baroda.She has been Servicing her patients the best quality of treatment.


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